Thursday 6 June 2024

Sunrise Sunset

 See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt is book-ending the day with Sunrise and Sunset

The "rosy fingered dawn" and a lone moose, all is peaceful

The buzz of the city at sunset. My sender says "The Point, where you see the fountain, is a great summer escape in my city. Sometimes there are free concerts out there"  Part of the card description says "Seen here, the Golden Triangle and its waterway periphery glow in the Pittsburgh evening sky"  Water and sunsets are always a delight
especially if there is a setting sun melting into the sea.


violet s said...

That moose seems to be having some contemplative alone time. I agree, cities do look their best at dawn and dusk.

In the Company of Me said...

Those sky colors are pure magic! Sunrise or sunset, it doesn't matter – the landscape (and cityscape!) is basking in that gorgeous glow.

Mail Adventures said...

I agree that sunrises and sunsets take out the best of every city. These pictures always look promising: a new bright day, a relaxing night ahead...

marina said...

The moose postcard is so beautiful, but the moose is not alone, there is a female or calf sitting down at his feet. Also the silhouette of a walrus, or seal or I have too much imagination haha 😆

Lisa said...

That last one is amazing! I think the moose is a caribou, or if not in North America, a reindeer. It's a very pretty picture no matter, pinks and pale blues are lovely.