Sunday 23 June 2024

Mail Transport

1987: History of Russian Post (Design - Yury Artsimenev)

 The post is on its way with a 14th-16th Century Messenger and a 17th-19th Century horse drawn sledge and 17th Century postman.  I think I may have shown these two before but time has moved on and now I have the full set, yay, so next

to the high seas and a 16th and 18th Century sailing packets. The small boat is a strug which was a flat bottom boat sometimes used to protect Russian river trade from robbers and equipped with canons. Not all plain sailing for the mail.

Hitting the rails is a 19th Century steam loco with railway mail vans and the Moskovsky Railway station in St Petersburg. The Lessner Post car (1905) can't have been too comfortable in a Russian winter much better to be in a Post Bus (1926)

Now all I have to do to complete this issue is to track down the souvenir sheet of mail vans in front of Moscow's head post office.

For Sunday Stamps theme of  black and white - See It On A Postcard


viridian said...

A great set. I am blogging a stamp i have shared before too.

Mail Adventures said...

Nice that you have the whole set. The illustrations are very descriptive, and I always love mail themed stamps.

Lisa said...

Those are great! I like the horse-drawn sledge best.

violet s said...

The calligraphy on these are excellent! Horses always manage to look so elegant no matter how they are moving.

Marina said...

These stamps are so refined: beautiful.

In the Company of Me said...

Your black and white Sunday Stamps are a fantastic journey through the history of mail transport. The black and white palette perfectly complements the vintage theme, and the Cyrillic script in cursive (I think) adds a touch of authenticity. It's a wonderful way to see how mail delivery has evolved over the centuries.

In the Company of Me