Sunday 9 June 2024



2004: A British Journey - Wales
An aerial view of the Welsh countryside, lots to see and do.  All of these have nice countryside walks
1990: National Parks
but these two look as they are setting off fully loaded for a long distance hike in the Pieljakaise National Park
1994:The Age of Steam
Enjoy the views of the countryside from a train window, this one is travelling though Scotland on the West Highland Way.  1994, the year the stamp was issued, was also the year of the opening of the Channel Tunnel.  Another journey by train could be taken from Scotland down to London

1961: Tourist Publicity
and onto the Eurostar to Paris, change on to the TGV, then hop off at Angouleme, there will be a half an hour wait for the local train to arrive and then  on to the destination ,Cognac. Daydreaming a trip I read one can book a "chic picnic", enjoy walking the small roads through the vineyards to meet the winegrower-distiller then eventually settle down in the middle of the vines to a picnic of local produce with wine and cognac. A  relaxing day out in the countryside.

Sunday Stamps is visiting the countryside at See It On A Postcard


In the Company of Me said...

Joy, this is a delightful countryside stamp selection! I especially love the Welsh mountain landscapes - they are breathtaking. I'd love to see those in person someday.

violet s said...

As much as I love Wales, I think the countryside of France is calling to me. The aerial views almost always surpass the walking views.

viridian said...

Your thoughts of a trip to Cognac are compelling!

Lisa said...

Mine would be the view from a train, not a hike with packs like that! Now that I'm older, the word "hike" sounds like a lot of work!

Mail Adventures said...

A very nice selection. French countryside has something special.

FinnBadger said...

The Welsh countryside stamps are lovely, with an amazing postmark.

Marina said...

I love the train stamp!