Sunday 16 June 2024

Family Men


2019: 50th Anniversary Apollo 11 Moon Landings (Design - Edward Fuglø)
The artist Edward Fuglø's earliest childhood memory was of his father holding him up at the window, pointing at the sky and telling him about the men on the moon.
1974: Renoir Paintings

Auguste Renoir married his model Aline Charigot and here they are enjoying a sojourn in Guernsey, although the paintings were actually created in Paris.  Renoir had realised that he became so mesmerised by the light painting outdoors that his composition suffered so took his sketches back to the studio.  August and Aline had three sons (one of whom was the film director Jean Renoir) and he often painted his family. There are only 3 portraits of Aline but she would also appear in his other paintings, the most famous one is of her playing with a dog as part of a boating party in 'Le Dejeuner des Canotiers'

1955: Five Year Plan

A sightseeing trip for the family.  This is a bit of an outlier in a set featuring economic and industrial development although one of the results of this experiment/plan was urbanisation.

Sunday Stamps theme this week - Fatherly Men - See It On A Postcard


violet s said...

That is a lovely first memory for Edward Fuglø.

marina said...

Wonderful "father" stamps you found!!! I really like the first stamp and the story behind it.

viridian said...

Thank you for sharing. I agree, you found some great stamps.

Mail Adventures said...

The Moon stamp is one of my favourite ever! (Although I don't have it in my collection, alas).

Lisa said...

That first is such a lovely stamp! A wonderful father.

FinnBadger said...

Stamps featuring the moon are always welcome. Great collection for this week's theme.