Sunday 26 May 2024

Swiss Alps


2013: 150 Years of the Swiss Alpine Club (Design - Fredy Trumpi)
A great choice of stamp shapes on this mini sheet  to enjoy the mountains vertically or horizontally.  The little black and white corners are old photographs from the Swiss Alpine Club Museum.  From their inception the Swiss Alpine Club set about improving the mapping of the Alps and building mountain huts. Shelters in the Alps have been around for centuries but the network of mountain huts started to be built in 1863, today there are 153 of them. They have also installed panorama maps and observation towers for climbers, walkers and those who just like to look and know.  Protecting the landscape is another of their founding principles

and these three se-tenant stamp celebrate another anniversary, that of the  Swiss National Parks who in 2014 marked their 100 years with this view of a mountain landscape and pine trees. The sender has also included a definitive stamp of Lac de Taney (described as a miniature paradise and declared a national natural heritage site in the 1960s) with the twin peaks of Les Jumelles. The lake is surrounded by wild flowers meadows and forests.  It is also known for its many amphibians so I hope it also has Emperor dragonflies too (issued as part of the 2002 Insects set).

Sunday Stamps this week is in the mountains, take a hike to See It On A Postcard


Mail Adventures said...

Switzerland is one of the countries I would more easily associate with snowed mountains. Beautiful stamps here!

viridian said...

What a wonderful selection. You would find me on an easy walking trail, no technical climbing for me!

Lisa said...

That sheet is quite interesting, as you say vertical and horizontal. No climbing for me! Depending on the hike, maybe. I like the idea of just looking and knowing too!

Marina said...

Love love love Swiss Alps!!!

violet s said...

Love that first sheet! And even their definitive is more striking than most generic ones.

Kristiina K said...

It is so beautiful in Switzerland!

FinnBadger said...

Stunning! I love the 3 se-tenant stamp vista