Thursday 26 September 2024

Bridges of Dreams

 See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt in search of wooden bridges

Moomin Bridge over the creek leading to Moomin House.  Snufkin returns to Moominvalley every spring to spend time with his good friend Moomintroll and of course have adventures

and I am sure they would take a wooden ladder bridge over a crevasse with equanimity.

This Mont Blanc card was sent in 1911 from Gabrielle to her friend Jeanne..


marina said...

The Moomin Bridge is super adorable: I want it! :-) Woah...carrying a ladder up to the mountain?

marina said...

I found an interesting postcard blog I thought I'd share with you all.

violet s said...

Love the enterprising mountaineers! The Moomin bridge with its one side railing is perfect for our fishing friends.

Lisa said...

Gabrielle had impressive handwriting! So, that's a Moomin... I wondered! Cute.

Mail Adventures said...

The Moominbridge seems safer than that ladder, sure!