Sunday 1 September 2024


1953: Food Production

Wheat is Australia's biggest grain crop

 but I have never associated Australia with butter however they produce many varieties of cheese

1989: Food and Farming Year

but possibly not the 700+ varieties the cheese loving UK like to tuck into and then there is the addition of imported cheeses. Never far away from a cheese board.  Like all things moderation is recommended in a diet (not easy)
1976: Healthy Eating
although one can eat unlimited amounts of fruit and veg.
2003: Christmas at Sundborn.

Start the day with a hearty breakfast This is called 'Martina with breakfast tray' a detail of a painting by Carl Larsson most loved by Swedes for his watercolours of  family life around his home and garden Sundborn  (now a museum). His muse was his wife Karin who had also trained as an artist but turned her talents to textile and interior design along with raising eight children.

Sunday Stamps theme -Food - come to the table at See It On A Postcard


marina said...

I really like Larsson's painting, but also the Australian cow stamp is notable....

viridian said...

Lovely stamps, and I have heard of Larsson, but oh my 8 children!

violet s said...

I love sampling at cheese shops - I'm always so overwhelmed at the varieties! The Carl Larsson stamp is nice.

Mail Adventures said...

All these stamps but the British one are new to me, and I cannot say which one I like more.

Maybe the breakfast stamp... those must be among the best!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Like Violet, I love cheese samples, too! When I first arrived in Cambodia in 2000, I was surprised by the availability of different kinds of French cheeses. The large French population here is the main reason for this accessibility.
My food stamp is here.

Lisa said...

I had the cow stamp too, but green. That is quite a loaded breakfast tray! That's fine by me, I like breakfast best. If I were to go out to eat I'd want to go for breakfast.