Sunday 7 July 2024

Paris Olympics


1924: Olympic Games, Paris (Design E Becker; Engraver G Parison

Later this month eyes will be on Paris but I would guess in 1924 one would have to rely on the radio or newspapers. Radio of course was in its infancy and the BBC had many firsts for that year including the first Shipping Forecast which is still telling us what the weather forecast for Viking, North and South  Utsira etc will be as it gradually works its way around the other 29 shipping areas of sea.  The stamp has winged victory and the sights of Paris but I can't see the Eiffel Tower so

1996: Autumn Philatelic Exhibition (Design - Christian Broutin)
here it is. 
1953: Sports (Design Andre Jacquemin
 At this point I discovered I did not have many other Summer Olympic stamps from France,
1996: Centenary of the Modern Olympics
apart from this one of a discus thrower,  however a briefly existing entity which issued stamps for two years, came to my rescue
1968: French Olympic Champions

with a map of France and French champions.

Sunday Stamps theme this week - Norther Hemisphere - See It On A Postcard

Thursday 4 July 2024


 See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt is in need of maps and waymarkers so

lets take the road to Denmark, the second happiest country in the world, according to the World Happiness Ranking. It must be true look at all those smiling faces.
Sometimes more than maps might be needed in the land of knights, magic spells, fairies and goblins. In the Brocéliande Forest you follow in the steps of King Arthur, Merlin and the fairies Vivien and Morgan le Fey,

The mysterious Nine Standards cairns, no one knows their origin only that they are very old.  For the day walker reaching Nine Standards Rigg there are excellent viewpoints and to coast to coast walkers these sentinels are a welcome sight because it means

they are almost at the half way point.