Thursday 12 October 2023


 Thursday's Postcard Hunt on the theme of the Seasons takes up residence in Summer,

Stranddistel by Annemarie Bethke

in a house with a blaze of summer colour in the garden.  The house is called 'Stranddistel', Dutch for Beach Thistle. In the UK we call this seaside plant Sea Holly (Enyngium maritmum) but both names tell you its spiky. We had our first overnight frost today so how pleasant to dream of summer in this house by the coast.


violet s said...

We haven't had frost yet, but the weather has decidedly turned autumnal.
I love an overgrown garden such as this one.

marina said...

The perfect image of a cottage in the summer!

Mail Adventures said...

In Catalan, we call it card marí or card de mar, which translates as 'marine thistle' or 'sea thistle'.

Living on that summer house would be a dream!