Sunday 1 October 2023

Art and Crafts


1966: Cuban Handicrafts
Afro-Cuban doll and it looks like the doll is a drummer.  The four main African groups uprooted to Cuba were the Yoruba, Bantu, Calabar and the Dahomey. The most numerous were the Yoruba and Bantu and they had the most influence on Cuban folklore and music. Perhaps this doll is of Bantu origin for that is where the Bongo drums originate.  The other stamp features a colourful sombrero to protect from the heat while working under the sun. They are made from yarey, a palm endemic to Cuba.

1961: Professions

I imagine the Dahomey took their pot making skills to Cuba but here they are on home ground.

1972: Plains Indians

'Fancy Dancer', a work by Gerald Tailfeathers of Alberta and the Blackfoot Nation showing the ceremonial costume a man might wear during the sun dance, a grueling physical and spiritual test for the benefit of a dancer's family and tribe

Sunday Stamps theme this week is - Indigenous art, crafts and clothing - See It On A Postcard


marina said...

wow...the Cuban stamps are so bright and fun!!!!

viridian said...

All wonderful stamps.

violet s said...

The colours of hte Cuban stamps are as expected!
I'm trying to imagine how that huge pot was made!
I have watched some native dancing - it is energetic, no gliding as we might do.

Mail Adventures said...

Nice to see Cuban stamps on Sunday Stamps, for a change :)

That big pot intrigues me. It must surely be difficult to make!