Sunday 5 May 2019

Keep On Riding

1979: Horse-riding (people of the Kuguryo Dynasty)
These North Korean stamps were originally issued as part of a miniature sheet (I only have 3) but rather than the prosaic title from my Gibbons, as captioned above, the sheet has the words "Koguryo People who Enjoyed Riding", well they had plenty of room to do just that.  The Kuguryo dynasty lasted from approximately 37BC until 668AD and their tombs contain frescoes of everyday life and mythical creatures. The stamps are re-creation of the horses and events that appear on the frescoes
The Koguryo ruled a vast area

and were the largest of the 3 kingdoms of the area from which we get the name of the present country, Korea.

More people who enjoy riding are those in

1996: Olympic Games, Atlanta, USA (Design - German Komlev)
Kyrgyzstan who combine their ancient sports with those of the modern Olympics in these stamps
That horse symbol says to me 'fast as the wind' but everyone needs some chill out time
1995: Horses (Design - A Iskakov)
like this chestnut mare and foal.

Koguryo Tomb Mural

Sunday Stamps II prompt this week is the Letter K - here for Korea, Koguryo and Kyrgyzstan - See It On A Postcard


violet s said...

Horses were a good choice on this historic Kentucky Derby weekend!
Those were some detailed frescoes for the time.

Ana said...

Lovely stamps! I am simply mesmerized by anything related to North Korea! You gave me a good read about this dynasty!

Mail Adventures said...

North Korean stamps aren't anything I see every day. Plus... very educational post and a lot of Ks!

FinnBadger said...

I went with the more easily found South Korea. Great selection of K countries today.

Bob Scotney said...

Beautiful stamps and a culture of which I was ignorant. Still learning a lot from stamp posts like this one you have given us.