Sunday, 2 March 2025

Imaginative Women


1980:Europa - Victorian Novelists (Design - Barbara Brown)
The 1980 Europa theme was famous people and GB featured two Bronte sisters. Charlotte gets the CEPT logo and the  12p first class letter rate

Emily gets the versatile 15p for heaver letters both first and second class.  I don't have the other two writers featured on the set who were George Elliot (Mill on the Floss) and Elisabeth Gaskell (North and South).
2011: Magical Realms
The versatile Tilda Swinton,as the White Witch/Queen in the film 'Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'. If you want other worldly she's your woman.   From flights of the imagination to
2003: Extreme Endeavors (Design - H Brown)
a record breaking aviator, the FDC shows  Amy Johnson's solo flight from London to Darwin, Australia in 1930. She  hoped to set  a record flight time but missed it by three days however her adventure propelled her into the press and public's imagination. She went on to set records for Siberia to Tokyo and London to Cape Town. In 1940 she joined the RAF Air Transport Auxiliary but while on a mission disappeared over the Thames Estuary in January1941. The cancel is from her home town of Kingston Upon Hull. Her flights however were from, at the time, the only international airport in the country Croydon Aerodrome (a large part of aviation history). Croydon's Aerodrome Hotel celebrated their 75th Anniversary with this FDC.

The hotel makes an appearance on the reverse of the envelope as it would have looked in the 1930s.

Sunday Stamps theme - Famous Women - join one at See It On A Postcard


FinnBadger said...

In a wild coincidence, I also have a. pilot on one of my stamps. Wow, solo to Australia, that must have taken huge amounts of determination and concentration.

violet s said...

I flew to Australia once (well twice, I had to get home agin) and it was a horrendously long flight, even in comfort. I cannot imagine what this woman put herself through. Tilda Swindon is certainly an otherworldly woman. I like the Bronte sisters stamps with their well known characters

Mail Adventures said...

I like the Tilda Swinton stamp the best . What an adventurous woman!

marina said...

I too choose the Tilda Swinton stamp as my favorite. I also admire the aviator and the stamp and cancellation are very nice.

Lisa said...

Interesting group of women! I could never get into the Bronte sisters.