Thursday, 12 December 2024

Animals in Snow

 See It on a Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt featuring Animals in Snow

 Battling the storm - "Rescuing a calf, Pitchfork Rance Wyoming, 1936". Lucky day for the calf, it gets a ride home.

Grey Wolves have a whole pack to look after each other.

Some Christmas elves from Inge Löök and a friendly fox.



Mail Adventures said...

The first one is very curious as a postcard!

Kristiina K said...

I like Inge Lööks cards!

violet s said...

Oh, that sly fox! The first one looks a bit treacherous, though both man and horse have likely done it before.

Joy said...

It is a card from the Buffalo Bill Historic Center, Cody, Wyoming, I imagine they have lots of curious postcards:)

marina said...

aww..look at that poor calf.... thank goodness it's being rescued. I love the wolves. And I did not know of Inge Look designs other than the!

Lisa said...

I love that first one. Old RPPCs are my favorite. I don't know if that fox is as friendly as sly, isn't he stealing the gnome's/elf's cane?