Thursday 7 March 2024

Traditonal Dress

 See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt this week is - Folk Costumes

and here are the many Ukrainian styles of traditional costumes across this vast country
Costumes; - Italy - Spain - Turkey - Germany

As can be gleaned from bottom right script this is a  plate from an old book but the postcard provides no further information on the back.  All these dresses are far too pretty to be wearing while working so

Plimoth Plantation "Breads, Pies and Tarts were all cooked in the communal oven"
something more practical for the 17th Century settler in America.  This postcard is from the living history museum in Massachusetts today called Plimoth Patuxet as it recreates both an indigenous Patuxet homestead and a 17th Century English village.  The Plimoth is of course an alternative spelling of  Plymouth from a time when spelling was a fluid and not a settled thing. The museum opens for this year's season on March 23rd until November. Judging from the snow on the postcard this could have been one of the last bakes of the year although maybe not for I read that it is not uncommon for it to snow as late as April in Massachusetts.


violet s said...

On the first card, the second from left has a rather modern (and more comfortable) look. I've always been fascinated by regional dresses.
Is that a small bellows the Plymouth woman is wearing attached to her waist?!

marina said...

I really like the second image. Part of the image on the Ukranian card is also on my postcard....

Mail Adventures said...

Definitely, men's dresses are always more comfortable!
I love the postcards.

Joy said...

I never thought of bellows Violet, interesting. I wondered if it was a knife for making the crosses on the loaves but then you wouldn't need it hanging on a string so I think you might be right.