2008:Gorgeous Australia
The tiered cascades of Russel Falls in Mt Field National Park, Tasmania are a popular tourist attraction and just a half hour walk will take one there.
1953: Definitive 'Local Motives'
A little more effort is needed for the Tamarind Falls in Mauritius which is a days hike but with the opportunity of a swim. It is also called the 7 Cascades although there are 11 waterfalls that tumble down the canyon to Tamarind Bay. Alternatively one can see two of the falls at a distance from behind the Herietta bus station.
1960: Opening of Kariba Hydro-electric Scheme
Although the mighty Kariba dam is more famous, the stamp features the Kariba Gorge, down which flows the Zambezi River, today the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Kariba Gorge is 21 kilometers long and it took David Hume and Jephita Jumwi three days to walk it. I definitely would have taken the nearby dirt road for the hike was not for the fainthearted.
1964: Nature Preservation (Design - M Stage; Engraver - Cz Slania)
Or even better idle by the Karup (known for its very large sea trout) in Denmark
1977: Navigation on the Danube (Design - CV Carnabatu and C Bucur)
or relax on a ride down the Danube. Here the Carpati is seen at Cazane cruising through the Iron Gates gorge in the Carpathian Mountains.
Stepping Stones, River Esk, Cumbria
Sunday Stamps II theme this week is - Waterfalls and Rivers - flow over for more to See It On A Postcard