Thursday, 9 January 2025

Green Sward

 See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt is in search of the colour green

The Cricket Game by David Inshaw

In the middle of winter it is time to dream of the warmth and light of summer and the sound of ball on willow of a cricket match underway.
I wonder what games the Roman soldiers played here to while away the time at Hardknott Fort which guarded the Hardknott and Wrynose Passes at this isolated spot, protecting the supply chain that ran from what was then the port of Ravenglass inland. Today the passes 1 in 3 gradient and twisty narrow single track still make it a bit iffy in winter in fact they were shut at the weekend due to snow and icy conditions causing a multi car pile up.
Eden Valley - 1960s Railway Poster - Artist A J Wilson
Perhaps the time of year to be in the pastures by the Eden River (know to the Romans as Itouna, meaning rushing water)
2010: Endangered Species - Mammals

I think this water vole would agree.


Mail Adventures said...

How we both finished in Roman sites, when the theme was green?!?

violet s said...

I was struck by that coincidence as well! The first one certainly wins for the most vibrant green - even the clouds!

marina said...

The view of Hardknott Fort is stunning. Love the mountains.

FinnBadger said...

Great selection! The Roman diet is my favorite here.

Lisa said...

So much bright green at that cricket match! Too much to keep your eye on the game.

FinnBadger said...


Joy said...

Curious isn't it, although this damp island is a 'green and pleasant land':)

Joy said...

That is me tinkering. The actual colour of the card is a very dark green but I couldn't get the scanner to even approach the colour so had to turn to the alteration tools on the laptop but that is , ahem, a broad brush approach. They are playing under a blue sky. Artists have the best pallets!