Thursday, 23 January 2025

Pretty in Pink

 Thursday Postcard Hunt's Thursday Postcard Hunt is in the pink...

Time for a cakewalk, unknown dancers circa 1915. The cakewalk originated in the slave plantations of America in the 19th century but like all dance it travelled.

1972: International Rose Exhibition - 'Berger's Rose'

As did this Maxi Card. It is a East German stamp on a Cuban 'Special Delivery for Mother's Day  pre-stamped postcard.

Lets head outdoors to a misty pink tinged scene somewhere in Finland.  Sent in December 2016 saying 'This is how it looks now here"


FinnBadger said...

The lady in pink is making me smile!

Lisa said...

Oh, I do love that first postcard! There's something about those hand tinted antique ones. I haven't thought of cakewalks since I was a child. My elementary school had them when we had some special fun day, I forget why. There may have been an actual cake to win too. I didn't know the origin of them.

Mail Adventures said...

The first postcard is a winner :)
Although I love also the roses and... wow, living in such a beautiful place, somewhere in Finland!

violet s said...

That was an interesting history lesson about the cakewalk. Pink roses seem to be a popular choice for cards back in the day. Eva, it almost looked like Finland here this morning, though most of the snow has already melted.

Mail Adventures said...

I would like to have some snow for a change :)

marina said...

The cakewalk card is really cool! The Finland card is gorgeous!

Kristiina K said...

The first postcard is so lovely! And the stamp in the rose postcard is also very fine.