Sunday 20 October 2024

Birds on the Map


1988: Fauna
The Eurasian Hoopoe perched between continents

Ferruginous Pygmy Owl breeds in Arizona, South Texas, down through Mexico, Central America and South America.  The Vulturine Guineafowl is the largest of its species and if startled it will run with those long legs rather than fly. It can be found in Central African forests
2000: Birds

(200) - Wattled Starling a nomadic bird found in eastern and southern Africa but its range is expanding. Like all starlings can be found in large flocks and often nests with other starling species (500) - Common Starling, (900) Red Billed leiothrix goes by many names such as Pekin Robin and Pekin Nightingale and its beautiful song can be found in Southern China and the Himalayas
(4000) Bearded reedling, as the name implies, found in Eurasian reedbeds (1000) - the Guianian cock of the rock nests on rocky cliff faces and caves in the humid forests of South America, the nests are constructed of  mud and plants. In photographs it looks a brighter orange than the stamp. (1500) Alpine accentor (the latin word 'accentor' means a person who sings with another). A robin sized bird of Eurasia and North Africa nesting in bushes or rock crevices.

Sunday Stamps theme of - Birds - fly over to See It On A Postcard for more feathered friends.

Thursday 17 October 2024

More Beer

 See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt is in search of a drink... 

An idyllic summer scene on the river and The Jolly Angler looks the perfect place to stop. One of the boaters is looking with anticipation at the landlord carefully pouring his beer.

Worthington's label symbol was created in 1863 and the postcard is of a showcard from c1895. Today the company is owned by one of large conglomerates.

For unlimited choice head to Belgium with a different glass for every type of beer. I am rather fond of their fruit beers.
In contrast  the Preston Teetotal movement, started by Joseph Livesey in 1832, encouraged people to take a teetotal pledge of abstinence from alcohol.  The Harris Museum in Preston holds a collection of objects of which this is one.

Sunday 13 October 2024



1941: Agricultural Development Plan
Surrounded by war  neutral Switzerland started their battle of self sufficiency with the Whalen Plan in 1940, its aim was to increase areas of cultivation in every available piece of land digging up sports fields and gardens. It is sometimes referred to as the 'Battle of the Fields'.  Before WW2 Switzerland imported 70% of its food from abroad, by the time it had ended the potato harvest had tripled, cereal doubled and vegetables quadrupled and with this bounty it managed to feed the entire Swiss population and 300,000 refuges. Switzerland was so successful that it became the only country in Europe that did not need to ration potatoes, vegetables and fruit.
1947: Allied Occupation Zones definitives
Once the war was over thoughts turned to reconstruction, the stamps of the sower and harvester were part of a set showing occupations that would work for that purpose and peace doves for hope. These stamps were used in the British, American and Russian occupation zones.
1965: 75th Anniversary Belgium Farmers Association

Another horse pulled plough, always a favourite motif for stamp designers
1950-54: Occupational Activities and Views
Iceland shows off its dramatic scenery with a tractor
2016: World Stamp Show 'NY16', Javits Center

Meanwhile a Guernsey cow is enjoying the sunshine, sometimes called the 'Golden Guernsey' due to its own and the milk's rich colour. The link with the New York exhibition cover is that Guernseys were first imported into the United States by two schooner captains in the 1830s and 1840s and would become the basis of the American Guernsey herd.

1993: Occupations - Cheesemaker

Happily where there is milk there is also cheese.

Sunday Stamps theme of - Agriculture - crops are growing at See It On A Postcard

Thursday 10 October 2024


 See Ir On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt is in search of sweets or deserts...

A postcard of one of a series of posters commissioned by London Transport around the 'Simply' theme so that taking the tube or bus could lead one to the simple pleasures of the city.  'Simply Appetising was  the subject for artist Michael Forbes who came up these sweet treats as "A Little Bit of What You Fancy", I'm picking the eclair which I am sure, to complete the idiom, 'will do me good'.
2016 PHQ Card -  Aardman Animations

Is it tea time? No its Timmy Time. No cake stays hidden for long.  As well as appearing with Shaun the Sheep little Timmy  has mini adventures of his own and tries (not always successfully) to stay out of trouble. The series of short 10 minute animations are called 'Timmy Time'.

Sunday 6 October 2024



1954: Export Development
Deciding what to wear or about to buy?

1992: Greetings stamps - Memories

2010: Rings
1976: Archaeological Discoveries - Celtic Neck Torc 200-50B
A striking silver-iron torc although as this one weighs 6.7 kilo one would have to have a strong neck but as the article 'How do you put on a torc' explains, not designed to be worn
1982: Leipzig Autumn Fair

and it would never fit into this amber jewellery box.

Sunday Stamps theme - Jewellery - all the bling is at See It On A Postcard

Thursday 3 October 2024


 See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt is shopping for Vegetables and Fruit

Inge Löök turns her eye for detail to the growing season. I can spot leeks and squashes and something recently dug up lying on the bench.  I wonder what is going to join the marigolds to be transported by bicycle?
Bird and Pomegranate wallpaper - Kathleen Kersey (b1889)
The pomegranate has appeared in myth and art for centuries and Kathleen Kersey (a member of the Morris and Co Design Studio) turned it into a design for wallpaper in 1911.  This was the last wallpaper produced by Morris and Co.  I don't know anything more about Kathleen Kersey apart from the fact she became Mrs Allngton and was still working as a designer in 1955.

Thursday 26 September 2024

Bridges of Dreams

 See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt in search of wooden bridges

Moomin Bridge over the creek leading to Moomin House.  Snufkin returns to Moominvalley every spring to spend time with his good friend Moomintroll and of course have adventures

and I am sure they would take a wooden ladder bridge over a crevasse with equanimity.

This Mont Blanc card was sent in 1911 from Gabrielle to her friend Jeanne..

Sunday 22 September 2024

Indian Summer


1993: 300th Birth Anniversary John Harrison (chronometer; movement seen from the back)

It is the time of the year when autumn arrives but nature is giving us an Indian Summer here in the UK as compensation for the one that didn't live up to expectations
2001: The Weather
and the barometer is set to fair.
1994: Centenary of Picture Postcards

There are still queues at the ice cream van by the bay although a Punch and Judy show is a rare appearance anywhere today
1998: Europa - Notting Hill Carnival

The carnivals may be over for the year
2012: Great British Fashion
but we are still dancing
2000: Millennium - Tree and Leaf (Eden Project sunflower)

under the sun (while it is here).

Sunday Stamps theme - The Colour Yellow - brighten up your day at See It On A Postcard

Thursday 19 September 2024

Inter City Bridges

 See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt in search of iron and rail...

Loco 57311 'Parker' hauls a Glasgow to Euston Pendolino service through Settle station
This cast iron bridge makes a perfect frame for an inter-city passenger train travelling south.  Settle is a busy market town in the Yorkshire Dales.  Although the bridge looks as though it has been here since the 19th Century its originally location was at  Drem Station in Scotland being moved and rebuilt at Settle station in 1993 when the Scottish line was electrified. Before the bridge passengers accessed the station platform over the lines, a so called 'barrow crossing', still used by people in wheelchairs.
Electric loco NS 1600 series inter-city, Moerdijkbrug
In flatter Dutch terrain an inter city train crosses one of the Moerdijk Bridges connecting Dordrecht with the province of North Brabant across the Hollands Diep rivers and estuary. Apparently this area was formed in the floods of 1421 when the dykes failed and altered the geography of the area for ever. It looks very watery

Now I've shown a diesel and an electric train its time for

steam. Alas the Bela Viaduct is no more, a victim of short term thinking and the road lobby in the 1960s when a lot of  branch lines were closed and in this case the viaduct was also demolished. When steam power was eventually removed from the lines all the locos were sent to the scrapyard but some were rescued by enthusiasts and included the  Black Five class shown on the postcard.  Today six of them are certificated for main line running and if lucky one or two of them can sometimes be spotted on the Settle to Carlisle line featured in my first postcard. 

Thursday 12 September 2024

Long and Curvy

 See It on A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt looking for long and curvy bridges

PHQ Card - 2015: Bridges
The Peace Bridge curves and snakes over the River Foyle joining the two communities of Derry/Londonderry in Northern Ireland and opened in 2011.  The Protestant Unionists on the east bank will refer to the city as Londonderry and the Catholic nationalists on the west side as Derry.  The BBC gets around this problem in their news broadcasts by always referring to it as Derry/Londonderry.  The bridge however has been a great success, becoming a beloved part of the city and it features in New Year and numerous other celebrations. Even the Dalai Lama has visited and walked across it.

Now travelling by postcard over the water to the city that is sometimes jokingly called 'the second capital of Ireland', Liverpool. Many of those emigrants from Ireland may have worked on the building of  its Overhead Railway and definitely worked in the docks.

Liverpool Overhead Railway Poster
As well as carrying millions of passengers Liverpool's overhead railway was a tourist attraction, this poster from the the 1930s invites a visit for "unrivaled views of Dockland Shipping"

Originally opened in 1893 it was the first overhead railway in the world to be operated by electricity. Rather ironically one of the factors of its eventually decline was due to the corrosion of the corrugated iron decking caused by the steam operated Docks Railway plying its trade underneath some of the sections.  The cost of repair was too much and it closed in 1956.  Once known as the  'Dockers Umbrella' its 7 miles (11km) was demolished in 1957/8.  I have two photo cards of the railway but only this one has a postbox. Spot it near the link bridge.

Sunday 8 September 2024

France from Above


1951: Architecture - Buildings (Pic du Midi de Bigorre)
High in the French Pyrenees is the Pic du Midi Observatory which concentrates on looking to the skies but also has  a spectacular view of the Pyrenees from its elevation of 2,877 m (9,439 ft). One can visit by a series of cable cars eventually leading to a panorama terrace and it also promises "suspended above the void a 12 metre metal footbridge with a glass end skims the clouds with a vertiginous view". I might be heading for the observatory dome instead. Being France of  course there is also a panoramic restaurant with local cuisine.
1949-50: Cityscapes
Or how about a city break in Lille. The largest belfry in France can be seen on the stamp. Once you have climbed the first 109 steps there is a choice of a lift to the full 104 metres or continue to walk up to enjoy the panorama of the city at the top. There is a massive annual flea market in the city called the Braderie de Lille  which happens to be next weekend (14th September), I love a flea markets, for this one comfortable walking shoes and a large bag are recommended.
1949; Views - Les Andelys, Seine Valley
On a hill dominating the scene is the 12th Century Chateau Gaillard built by Richard the Lionheart which controlled the Seine valley in his battle against the French king. In today's more peaceful times there is an annotated view point up by the castle.
1954: Views

After all those quests for aerial views maybe its time to relax on the beach at Royan.

Sunday Stamps theme this week is - aerial views - See It On A Postcard

Thursday 5 September 2024

Stone Bridges

See It On a Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt is crossing bridges and today mine are sturdy stone ones

Culbone Lodge Pottery, Exmoor

This inherited card has a fine postmark which  shows me it was posted on the 29th May 1985, all that is missing is a stamp!  The people who had not affixed a stamp were my aunt and uncle who were enjoying a walking holiday in Exmoor and possibly the reason they chose this card is because the inscription on the back describes the many paths that can be taken to Culbone Lodge. The sandstone building was constructed in the late 19th century in an arts and crafts style, the adjoining bridge crosses over a sunken roadway.  

The card's inscription also says the picture shows the pottery, house and garden display of pots with Waistel and Joan Cooper and their tame ducks. These names meant nothing to me but discovered Waistel Cooper was a renowned potter. Even better I discovered the Culborne newsletter article "Secluded Culborne" which has a paragraph about them - "Two of Culbone’s best known inhabitants were Joan and Waistel Cooper. Joan, an American, with a Doctorate in Psychology married Waisel a potter in 1957 and they lived in a cottage in Culbone by a stream. Joan practised and taught Yoga for West Somerset Community Education. She was also a Lay Reader. She died on June 2nd 1982 and was buried in the little church’s cemetery. The whole area was packed for her funeral and a little dog sat by the edge of her grave during the service. Waistel, born in 1921 in Ayr, was instrumental in the introduction of modernism into ceramics and was a major figure of the studio pottery scene. He set up in Culbone on his return from a commission in Iceland and worked in his studio there for 25years. Following Joan’s death he moved to Penzance in Cornwall and remarried. He died in 2003. His work commanded very high prices"

Travelling north to the England's most northerly town, although not in the period when it was part of Scotland. The last time it changed hands it was in 1482 and despite the border change today the football and rugby teams play in the Scottish leagues.  

Top  - the 'Old Bridge' which replaced a wooden one in the 17th Century when I suppose it was just called Berwick Bridge // Royal Tweed Bridge or the 'New Bridge' built in the 1920s but as it is built of concrete it is an interloper in this post

Bottom - The Royal Border Bridge and as I am a fan of railway viaducts here are more pictures of Robert Stephenson's bridge

Watendlath Bridge in Winter

One of the many packhorse bridges in the English Lake District crosses the stream in the little hamlet of Watendlath. I remember people ice skating on the nearby tarn but we rarely get those sort of winters anymore. The bridge is from the 18th Century but

Coniston Foxhounds on Sweden Bridge, Ambleside
Sweden Bridge is 17th Century packhorse bridge but  isn't Swedish as the name comes from the Middle English word 'swidden'/Old Norse 'svithinn'.  I see there are two lakeland terriers that have joined the hounds in this bridge photo-shoot.  Foxhunting in the Lake District was done on foot (not a horse in sight), but in the present time after a long battle foxhunting with dogs is banned in Britain.  The hounds have never gone away for a popular countryside pastime for a couple of centuries in the Lakes is Hound Trailing. The dogs race a scented trail over the fells.

Sunday 1 September 2024


1953: Food Production

Wheat is Australia's biggest grain crop

 but I have never associated Australia with butter however they produce many varieties of cheese

1989: Food and Farming Year

but possibly not the 700+ varieties the cheese loving UK like to tuck into and then there is the addition of imported cheeses. Never far away from a cheese board.  Like all things moderation is recommended in a diet (not easy)
1976: Healthy Eating
although one can eat unlimited amounts of fruit and veg.
2003: Christmas at Sundborn.

Start the day with a hearty breakfast This is called 'Martina with breakfast tray' a detail of a painting by Carl Larsson most loved by Swedes for his watercolours of  family life around his home and garden Sundborn  (now a museum). His muse was his wife Karin who had also trained as an artist but turned her talents to textile and interior design along with raising eight children.

Sunday Stamps theme -Food - come to the table at See It On A Postcard