2004: Migrating Birds - Passerines
One of our earliest summer visitors, usually arriving in March, flying past Alderney Lighthouse. The Sand Martins will also be one of the first to leave and head south in September. No winter storms for these birds...
2016: Seasons
St Peter Port Harbour Lighthouse
2016: Lighthouses
The tiny island of Sark lighthouse at Point Robert, now automated, but when all lighthouses were manned perhaps
2014: The History of Manx Playing Cards
they would while away the time playing cards although a lone keeper would have to rely on a game of Patience. The playing card shows Bradda Head Lighthouse located on the Isle of Man's coastal footpath and Douglas Lighthouse with the ferry either making its way to England or Ireland.
Sunday Stamps is keeping a watch for Lighthouses at See It On A Postcard
These are great. The second one is quite dramatic
They are all beautiful. The first one with the bird is the best!
That mega - wave! Dramatic.
You have us all excited about next week's theme with this two in one! And that wave is terrifying.
I find the first one very original, with the flying bird. The second is a well known picture, but I'd like to have it as a stamp.
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