Sunday 29 May 2022

Shape Shifting


2012: Clouds (Design - Satu Lusa)

Its a lovely day with fluffy white clouds lazily floating across the sky

2013: Moomin Favourites (Design - Satu Lusa)

All is quiet in Moominland.

2016: Animail (Design - Andrew Ross)

and all that can be heard is the tapping and rapping of a woodpecker and the rustle of a snake in the grass.

Sunday Stamps theme this week is - Shaped - here on See It On A Postcard


violet s said...

These are fantastic examples of shapes. I've seen the Finnish ones before, but these Royal Mail animals are entirely new to me.
We now have two woodpeckers at each side of our property so it's stereo pecking every morning!

viridian said...

I'll add that I have seen shaped stamps from Finland, but the staid Royal mail? Great!

Mail Adventures said...

Finland is the best when regarding to originally shaped stamps.
I remember that those "animail" stamps stirred some discussions on the net. I find them funny, though. I got some of them when they were released (see here).