Sunday 8 May 2022

German Life


1995: Stamp Day

Riding in with lots of lovely post this speeding postwoman is stood up and, in cycling parlance, 'dancing on the pedals'.  I love these German issues of a stamp block and a fancy cancel

1993: Humanitarian Relief Fund - National Costumes

so here is another one.  The couple are from Ruegen, Germany's largest island on the Baltic Sea. I happened upon a Folk Costume and Embroidery blog which means I can narrow this down to where on on the island it is worn which is a peninsula called Moenchgut on the south east of the island, an area of fisherfolk and marine activity although today there is also a lot of tourism. 

Sunday Stamps theme this week is - 'Your Choice' - choose See It On A Postcard 


violet s said...

There is so much to like about these two - the pictorials, the costumes, the whole design...

violet s said...

That is a very interesting blog which I will have to bookmark to browse through more thoroughly (on a rainy day, perhaps)

Mail Adventures said...

How beautiful illustrations!