1982: 150th Anniversary Birth of Wilhelm Busch
The Maxi Card features a character from poet, illustrator, painter and satirist Wilhelm Busch's illustrated story in verse called Die Fromme Helene (The Good Helen or The Pious Helen) which satirises religious hypocrisy and dubious morality. The card quotes and illustrates from Chapter 5 - The Love Letter. Busch published pictorial broadsheets (Bilderbogen) that "can be considered precursors of the comic strip" which has led him being called 'the forefather of comics'
The reverse of the card shows his self portrait. Having shown the past here is how it
2021: DC Collection
looks now.
2012: Comics
In contrast Bunty's "The Four Marys" had adventures and solved mysteries at a boarding school. Midnight feasts always featured at some point. The strip ran for 40 years and resulted in generations of girls dreaming of being sent away to boarding school, the reality may have been rather different.
Bunty is no longer published but the science fiction comic 2000AD is still in print with its most famous creation Judge Dredd. No dystopian futures for
2020: Centenary of Rupert Bear - Stamps above from the story ''Rupert and the Mares Nest"
Rupert Bear, a comic strip which first appeared in the Daily Express newspaper in 1920. The Rupert annuals started to be published in 1936 and are still published today with a cult following. The full set of stamps can be seen here
Sunday Stamps theme this week is - Illustrated - See It On A Postcard