Thursday 22 August 2024


 See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt is looking for Sculptures

Walking Woman (1984) bronze - Lynn Chadwick

Walking Woman, combining the abstract with figurative, was a theme that Lynn Chadwick returned to in many variations. This card is from a temporary exhibition of his work at Blackwell (a 19th century art and crafts house) which, as can be seen, overlooks a lake (Winderemere). Here his woman with her billowing cape could be looking at the view or gliding towards it.
The Horse is a Noble Animal - Marcia Farquhar
The performance artist Marcia Farquhar lives the dream and rides a life sized rocking horse she imagined as a child. This was part of the Tatton Park Contemporary Art Biennial which takes place in both the mansion, the formal gardens and the deer park; combine a walk with art what could be better. Unfortunately I did not see Marcia ride her horse but she has provided context  here.
Winter Bears (1988) Polychromed wood - Jeff Koons

Not a big fan of Jeff Koons but I couldn't resist this card. Winter Bears was a series of sculptures created for Koons based on  children's miniature ornaments. The craftsmen employed the same techniques used to produce rococo ceramics and Bavarian wood carving. I've not seen them but the card tells me they are 124cm (4 ft) high which I guess makes them a little bit scary or maybe I've seen too many Dr Who episodes when things like these come to life, and not in a good way. 


marina said...

The Walking Woman sculpture is so beautiful!!! the other two are cute!

violet s said...

The horse looks a challenge to mount. The bears would be cute as figurines, but as you suggest, slightly terrifying as nearly life sized. The walking woman seems to be enjoying the sunlight (as well as the view)

Mail Adventures said...

Original choices! And yes, the last one is a bit frightening!