Sunday 11 August 2024



1965: City Arms
We alas say goodbye to Paris.  The sailing ship on the city's coat of arms originates from the symbol of the 12th Century Marchands de l'eau guild who were given the rights to navigate the Seine. The Paris Olympic sailing however took place in the Mediterranean by the shores of Marseilles  
1976: Olympic Games, Montreal, Canada
At the Montreal Olympics they were on Lake Ontario.
1996: 100th Anniversary of the Modern Olympic Games
In 1996 the Olympic venue was in Atlanta and, looking forward, today's  athletes will be putting Los Angeles in their diaries for 2028. The UN must have had a presentiment for surely that is LA's coliseum on the mini sheet
1984: Olympic Games, Los Angeles - USA Gold Medalists
A venue where Carl Lewis won four of his gold medals. An evergreen athlete that would eventually win 9 gold medals and 1 silver in both track and field from three Olympic Games
1932: Summer Olympics, Los Angles
The 2028 games will be using the iconic LA Memorial Coliseum for the third time but it will be given an ambitious upgrade. The plan seen here.

1961: Tourist Publicity - Olympia

The Olympic flame will be extinguished in Paris and the Olympic flag passed on to the next hosts.  Once again Olympia waits for the flame to be reignited.

Sunday Stamps theme is - the Olympics - See It On A Postcard


Mail Adventures said...

I like specially Olympic Games' stamps from Greece. They make a lot of sense to me!

Lisa said...

Nice to see a Greek stamp with ancient Olympia!

Marina said...

The sailboats stamps are awesome!

violet s said...

Sailing in 1976 - the only Olympic event I've seen. The UN stamp is maybe a little too colourful and busy?

viridian said...

I like the sailboat stamps the best.