Thursday 18 July 2024


 See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt is visiting catherals...

Cathedral of the Virgin Mary and St Chad
All quiet at Litchfield Cathedral, only a lone car.  I wonder if it is the photographer arriving early for the image?  People in the know (not me) will be able to date the card from the car. The three spires of Litchfield cathedral are known as the 'Ladies of the Vale' and will not look like this today as the tallest middle spire is covered in scaffolding after being damaged in Storm Gareth (2019).  Nothing new for this old lady as the cathedral was extensively damaged by human hands in the three Litchfield sieges of the English Civil War (17th Century) despite at the time being moated and fortified.  All work for the craftspeople who have been restoring and constructing here for 800 years.  I believe the scaffolding is due to be removed in October and this summer the Tower Tours have restarted.
Patriarchal Cathedral Basilica of Saint Mark

A more famous cathedral and the crowds have arrived in St Mark's square. This is the third church built on this site c1063 (the second one was unintentionally destroyed by fire in an uprising against the Doge). It was the right time for Venice to build on a grand scale and it combines a wonderful array of architectural styles.

Florence Cathedral started to be built in 1296 and was structurally completed in 1436 with the famous dome engineered by Brunelleschi but here we have the west facade and Giotto's campanile


violet s said...

St Mark's does show off its flamboyance!
As beautiful as the Florence cathedral is, I must admit to preferring the look of spires to square towers. And, such tiny people in Florence ;)

marina said...

Three wonderful images. St. Mark's Basilica looks so familiar to me. I visited so many times. I agree with Violet about spires vs boxed towers, but Santa Maia del Fiore is still magnificent.

Mail Adventures said...

Very famous places here too!
I think the car is added to give an idea of the size of the building. So maybe you are right and it's the photographer's car :)

Lisa said...

The Basilica of St. Mark is amazing. Honestly, most cathedrals are pretty impressive, but that one is more so.

In the Company of Me said...

I love the little details you've shared about the Cathedrals – the lone car, the Ladies of the Vale, and the impacts of both nature and human conflicts on the structures. It's fascinating to think about the craftsmanship that has gone into its restoration over the centuries. I am also with Team Spires! They point upwards, symbolising their connection to the divine, and their verticality dominates the skyline and are instantly recognisable landmarks!

Therasia Fraire said...

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