Sunday 24 April 2022



2016: Shakespear

We have had quite a lot of 'wordy' stamps over recent times, I think there must be a fan of typography on Royal Mail's stamp design committee.

Our language would be a lot poorer without Shakespeare's invention of words and phrases

2015: Magna Carta 800th Anniversary

And society would be  less without the access to justice

although our present government is minded to dismantle our Human Rights Act, a lot of crazy things have happened since the issue of these stamps, and none of them good.

 Sunday Stamps theme this week is - More words than pictures - read them on See It On A Postcard


violet s said...

Good heavens, each one with a different font!!
as an aside, I have been rewatching Upstart Crow - it seems to become funnier the more I watch it. I guess I kept missing bits the first couple of times.

Mail Adventures said...

I read some negative opinions about those Shakespeare stamps when they were issued, but I don't dislike them. The look nice on letters.
The Carta Magna issue is a great one!

viridian said...

Nice Shakespeare stamps. And it's good to be reminded of basic human rights, even in a small way.