"Russian Cuisine" by Margarita Tkachenko |
This card came from Diana in Tomsk who told me she regularly cooks borsch. I imagine a nice hot soup is the perfect winter warmer in Western Siberia. I liked the sound of what she serves with it dumplings, mmm, in Russian, vareniki (dough with stuffing inside - could be potatoes, cabbage, cherry or cottage cheese). I am not a big fan of the beetroot but do like them pickled and there are all sorts things that can be pickled on this postcard. As winter approaches and the nights draw in perhaps ones thoughts would turn to a steaming samovar with a continual supply of tea for everyone.
Postcards for the Weekend theme - Foods of the World - join the Maria's Linky Party feast
What a great card! I enjoy receiving food postcards from Russia because the food is so different than what I eat every day, but so beautiful too.
Thank you for posting your card!
PS...Your link to the Linky party isn't correct for me. I had to click onto your blog header to find this card. It doesn't connect directly to this entry.
This is a great design for a food card.
Hi Joy! There's an issue with your link but I'm glad I'm still able to find your food card. This is a nice assortment of food and I'm really very much into soup lately. We don't have winter but it does get cooler and a warm bowl of soup is always comforting. Thanks for linking up. Until next weekend.
I love this design! Thank you for sharing :-)
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