Sunday, 20 November 2016


1993: Greetings Stamps
Oh look William has found a nice present for his sister Ethel!  Generations of children have enjoyed the adventures of this mischievous schoolboy and his gang, the Outlaws. Richmal Crompton (1890-1969) published her first book Just Willliam about his adventures in 1922 and in the following years many more followed, many radio and television series have also aired since, the latest one being only a few years ago. There have been a number of illustrators of the books over the years but Thomas Henry is the one inextricably linked with William and the illustrator of the stamp Paul Slater has recreated his style.
1995: Greetings Stamps
Children often appear on the paintings of LS Lowry (1887-1976) whatever the subject, he is usually associated with his views of the urban and industrial north.  I always look for a dog in his painting because there is usually at least one in the background somewhere, but not in this case.  This painting is just called, Children Playing. I wonder what the game is?
1937: Child Welfare
Like William here is another laughing boy but this time from long ago and painted by Frans Hals (1582-1666) but he does look more angelic.

Here are some organisations formed to channel all  that youthful energy, first the Boy's and Girl's Brigade
1982: Youth Organisations

and Boy Scouts and Girl Guides.

 I was amused to notice this cancel from 1982  in my collection, years before the internet changed all our lives
'Everyone's shopping by post these days'.  The stamps were designed by the illustrator Brian Sanders who has produced many stamps including a whole series for World War II.  His life in five decades of illustrations can be seen here.

An entry to Sunday Stamps II theme - Children - play along at See It On A Postcard


Little Nell said...

Great to see William celebrated on a stamp. It captures his mischief perfectly. I enjoyed all the others too, especially Lowry.

Heleen said...

Isn't there a dog in the background, nest to the street light, far behind the children playing?

Maria said...

Hello Joy, in response to your comment for my NL children stamp -- I totally thought so, too! It does look like a seashell to me.

Your children stamps are treasures! Specially that last one, at the turning point of store to online shopping.

Bob Scotney said...

I must have read all the William books as a boy. I hadn't seen any of the GB stamps you've shown and you have me researching Lowry now.

Mail Adventures said...

I had never seen a stamp of William! It brings me good memories.

And yes, that cancellation could be used nowadays, as we buy through the Internet, but receive the goods by post.

VioletSky said...

I seem to be the odd one out, being completely unfamiliar with William.
(as I was with Stella,doe my stamp!)

Joy said...

You've got good eyesight Heleen. Well done. The painting is on display at the Lowry Gallery which is about 100 miles south of me, my eyes might be better at that larger size:)