Thursday 5 October 2023

Take A Hike

 Thursday Postcard Hunt starts a month of  travel through the seasons

This card sends "Autumn Greetings" from Finland.  Our hiker journeys up from the lake with a well loaded backpack. I have camped out in October and after that considered it was time to pack away the gear until Spring although I imagine the Finns are far hardier than me. The postcard also looks forward to the end of the day with boots off, a fire lit and a meal sizzling over the flames.  They are having sausages, the Victorians called them  'bags of mystery' for the unknown origin of  their mix of contents, as true today as then.  


violet s said...

A hike on a trail through the fall colours is so invigorating. We are at the end of a heatwave (for Sept-Oct) just in time for the holiday weekend.
I use Firefox, so maybe I should switch... (yours is one I have no trouble commenting on!)

marina said...

Look at those wurstels on a stick! Nice landscape but I do not envy the hiker with the heavy load.

Mail Adventures said...

Autumn is the best time for hiking. Well, when real Autumn existed... Now we are enjoying an extended summer. And campfires are forbidden under any circumstance, around the year!