Sunday 20 August 2023



1995: Endangered Species

Sadly the United Nations are not going to run out of threatened species to feature on their regular issues of endangered fauna. Here we have Black Rhino, Golden Parakeet, Red-shanked douc and Arabian Oryx which in the 1970s became extinct in the wild. They were saved because there were large numbers  in zoos and private reserves and from these they were reintroduced into the wild in the 1980s.

1984: Endangered Antelopes

A young bongo, vulnerable to predators like pythons, leopards and hyenas.  As adults their predator is human.

1993: The Caspian Seal (Design - V Khartvig)
The threat to the Caspian Seal is environmental. A unique species that it is thought became 'landlocked' in the Caspian Sea when the ice of the last ice age retreated about 11 thousand years ago.
2007: Rare Animals (Design - A Moskovets)

The Oriental Stork has the advantage of wings although habitat loss and, in the rice growing regions, the use of pesticides, means it is on the IUCN Red List
1986: Europa - Nature Conservation (Design Ken Lilly)

Well that was all a bit gloomy so here is a Barn Owl whose numbers have increased and is now moved on to the more optimistic Green List.

Sunday Stamps theme this week is - Endangered or Vulnerable Species - See It On A Postcard


violet s said...

I did not realize the barn owl was once at risk.
I'm always glad when zoos play a part in rehabitating species.

Mail Adventures said...

Glad about the last stamp, at least!

viridian said...

I did not know there was such a creature as the Caspian seal. You learn something every day.
All are great stamps, if sad.

marina said...

oh wow! you actually have a WWF stamp (I could not find one). The antelope stamps are very attractive. I had to look up "bongo". did not know that particular antelope was called bongo (=another good teaching moment 😀). The other stamps are also beautiful, but, to me, all animal stamps are....