Sunday 23 July 2023

Europa Nature


1977: Europa - Landscapes
The 1977 Europa theme was 'Landscapes' and Sweden chose a snowy forest view and the Rapadalen valley in Sarek, the largest national park in Sweden consisting of mountains, bogs and flowering valleys, a remnant of untouched wilderness. 


In a contrast of scale Guernsey Post took us to the countryside and featured views from the Talbot Valley in the middle of the island

which is a popular area for strolls through woodlands and pasture.
1986: Europa - Nature Conservation (Artist - Hans Erni; Engraving - Karl Bickel Jr

Hans Erni portrayed a woman and a man for the 1986 theme of Nature Conservation. I'm guessing that they must be the personification of earth and water.

1986: Europa: Pollution of the Sea

I'm not left guessing with this message although was intrigued that it was described as 'dumping of radioactive and other waste in the sea and its danger to the fauna' then checked and saw that prohibition of disposal of radiation waste at sea didn't come into force until 1994.  The NE Atlantic was a popular place for dumping nuclear waste for 7 countries so one can understand the Faroe Islanders concerns, and me, as I live down the coast from a nuclear facility.

Sunday Stamps theme this week is - Europa - See It On A Postcard


violet s said...

The Greek ones are very striking!
And now, 30 years later, there is another dilemma with what to do with the Fukushima wastewater - at least they are talking.

marina said...

wow! how beautiful!! the Swiss stamps are really extraordinary. The snowy forest too.

Mail Adventures said...

Those stamps from Switzerland have a wonderful design; I had never seen them.