Sunday 13 March 2022



1980: Animals (Design P Magnusson Engraver J Larriviere)

Spring has arrived here but not I think where the Arctic Fox roams

1991: Elephants

Too hot for the Arctic fox in Africa. It is said that the only thing elephants are frightened of is mice


1992: Threatened Species Series 1 Part 1 (Design Betina Ogden)

No worries they won't come across these mice in Africa although the Dunnart is actually a marsupial but happens to be the same size of a mouse.

1989: Nature II (Design - S Morken

No ermine in Africa either, although as it is spring this one is not wearing its winter coat.

Sunday Stamps theme this week is - Wildlife of any size- walk on the wild-side at See It On A Postcard.


Mail Adventures said...

Nice variety of animals! I wonder why it is said that elephants are frightened by mice. I don't think so... Or are they?

violet s said...

Wow, I had to google... and there are 23 different dunnarts!
Those elephants look like they are having fun.