Sunday, 16 May 2021



2014: Year of Crystallography (Design - P Antunes)

I struck lucky with this stamp for the letter P , there are quite a few in the Patterson function. Not only solving my problem but in crystallography as  it solves the phase problem in crystal structure analysis of molecules containing heavy atoms. A bit of mathematical brilliance from Arthur Lind Patterson (1902-1966).  Portugal were very enthusiastic about the Year of Crystallography as they issued 5 stamps and a souvenir sheet.

1979: Europa - Post and Telecommunications

Only one P for Portugal on these stamps but the subject is one we all love - the post arriving.


Sunday Stamp II theme this week is - the Letter P - pop over for more at See It On A Postcard


violet s said...

It took me longer than I care to admit to parse that description of the first stamp.
The post carrier on a horse holding out the letter on a stick is properly socially distanced!

viridian said...

Yeah, Crystallography! (I am a scientist).

Mail Adventures said...

The formula on the first stamp seems really handwritten!
And I agree we all love the topic of the second set :)

Bob Scotney said...

First crystallography stamp I can remember - my exam finals contained a related question which I could not answer.

Ana said...

Never knew there was a year of Crystallography.. how cool! As Eva had mentioned, the formula looks nicely hand-written, as if it had come out of a notebook.