1924: Olympic Games (Design - E Becker; Engraver - E Dausay) |
1953: Sports ( Design - Andre Jacquemin; Engraver - Charles-Paul Dufreone) | |
I always start off watching the swimming but soon get bored but I do like swimming stamps. The link with the previous stamp is Johnny Weissmuller won 3 swimming gold medals and a bronze for water polo in 1924 but went on to be more famous as Tarzan. He was at his best when the plot demanded he jump in the water and swim.
1960: Winter Olympics (Design - J Vertel) |
The era of the winter and spring games being held in the same year. 1960 saw them in snowy Squaw Valley, USA.
1960: Summer Olympics (Design - Sandor Legrady; Engraver - Janos Zsigmond) |
Hungary went classical with the Summer Games in Rome.
The stamp designer Sandor Legrady (1906-1987) worked for the Hungarian Post for 50 years, he liked the theatrical and historicso the symbol of the Eternal City also appeared in this set of stamps.
Sunday Stamps II theme this week is - Sports - run over to See It On A Postcard