1955: Fauna of the Danube Delta (Design - Aida Tasgan; Engraver - Ion Dumitrana)
Europe's largest wetland is where the mighty Danube River meets the Black Sea. The delta is home to a massive congregation of waterbirds such as the Great Egret, above, but also home to many varieties of freshwater fish
1994: Environmental Protection of the Danube Delta (Design - Simona Bucan)
which include four species of sturgeon, the stamp features the Beluga (Huso huso). The map shows another of the deltas iconic bird species, the pelican. There are also ancient woods
1958: Mushrooms (Design - Harald Meschendorter)
so there must be fungi. Whether there is saffron milk cap, probably not, as it likes pine forests and I think in the Delta there are oaks and willows. For the birder winter time is a good time to visit as there will be hundreds of wintering birds (and no mosquitos), warm clothing essential.
1994: Winter Olympics (Design - M Vamasesu)
Although it will be icy only the oldest inhabitants can remember that in the past (70 years ago) you could skate on the river. Since the second half of the 20th Century it is rarely thick enough because of the rising water and winter temperatures.
1967: Definitive 'Diesel Train' (Design - Ion Druga)
This must be one of the unique places to dream about traveling to while locked down. It may be a pale imitation but 1,500 kilometer of its channels and roads can be seen virtually on Google Maps (a short film clip here)
Sunday Stamps II theme this week is - Green - see how green it is on - See It On A Postcard