Sunday, 2 February 2020

Earth Science

2006: FDC 11- 'Science - Series II"
This FDC shows the Arctic Station on Disko Island run by the University of Copenhagen Faculty of Science and founded by the Danish botanist Morten Pedersen Porsild in 1906. Persild lived and worked in Greenland for most of his life.  The Arctic Station website says it is not too late to book in for 2020 but it will be closed for renovation in September and reopen in Spring 2021.
2006: Science II (Design - Naja Abelsen; Engraver - L Sjööblom)
The stamp shows the oldest bedrock on planet earth (3800 million years) although I think there has been another discovery on one of Greenland's islands of something earlier after this stamp was issued.  The stamp catalogue makes no such claim and just calls it 'Oldest Mountains'.
2000: Centenary of the Zugspitze Meteorological Station (Design - Kasslinger)
This weather station sits on top of Germany's highest mountain (2,962m, 9700ft) located in the Bavarian Alps on the border of Austria and Germany.  The stamp celebrates a hundred years since a weather tower made of tin and wood was installed, things have moved on since then. Don't think that this might be an isolated place as half a million people visit the top of the mountain each year by either cogwheel train, cable car or on foot.  Not only that but there is a restaurant and shop there too. A new cable car line was completed in 2018 and also the new Panorama Restaurant.
2009: Welfare Stanos - Celestial Phenomena (Design - Dieter Ziegenfeuter)
Perhaps a beautiful sunset will be seen.

 Sunday Stamps II theme this week is - Science Related - See It On A Postcard


FinnBadger said...

Great stamps this week. That German one is stunning.

violet s said...

I think it would be quite the experience to visit an Arctic Station.
The details in the German stamp are nice to see.

Mail Adventures said...

These are excellent stamps. And places that I'd like to visit, for sure!

Bob Scotney said...

I hadn't seen a Greenland stamp before - this is a great one to start with.

Corinne W said...

I love learning about scientific advancements and discoveries through stamps.