Sunday, 6 January 2019

Tchad Trades

1970: Trades and Handicrafts
I like the muted colours of this set unfortunately I could find no information on the designer but here we have a dyer which happily for Sunday Stamps Letter T is Teinturier in French.  The other aspect of the stamps is the placing of the word 'Postes' so it almost looks like it could
be a post office although perhaps it would have to be at some distance from a tanning operation.
1961-1962: Definitives - Animals and Landscape
Chad commemorated its independence in 1960 with a stamp celebrating its admission to the United Nations and the following year issued its first definitives as an independent country.  This stamp shows the province of Batha which is right in the middle of Chad and presumably in the 1960s had many lions.  Deforestation and livestock farming means that in the present time numbers have been decimated.
1962 Postage Due Stamps: Rock Paintings (Design - Pierre Béquet; Engraver - Pierre Munier)
Travelling way back in time 6000 years then millions of animals roamed the area and the postage due stamps featured rock paintings from the Tibesti mountains in Sahara region in the north of Chad. The stamp description says - Tibestiox, which I presume is an ox
1962 Postage Due Stamp: Rock Paintings (Design and Engraver - Pierre Munier)

and this is Tibestiram which I first thought was a bird but I guess it could be a ram's horn. Your guess is as good as mine.
Place de la Nation, Chad

Sunday Stamps II prompt of the Letter T for Tchad, Trades, Tree, Teinturier, Tanneur and Tibesti - travel for more at See It On A Postcard


FinnBadger said...

Wow, you sound some amazing Ts for today.

violet s said...

Engraved stamps have a special all their own - and those first two are lovely.
The lion in the 2F is interesting.

Bob Scotney said...

It had entirely escaped my notice that Tchad is the name of the country I've always know as Chad.

Mail Adventures said...

Me too, I love especially the first two stamps. Thanks for pointing to the word "postes". Yes, certainly original!

I have never received mail from that country. In Catalan, we spell it "Txad".