1960s Definitive |
On your marks
1964: Olympic Games Tokyo (Design - Oscar Bonnevalle) |
Get Set
1940: 2nd All Union Physical Culture Festival |
Go... Above is a relay race at the Physical Culture Festival one of the other stamps of the set features
grenade throwing, something that doesn't seem to have caught on at the Olympic Games
1978: 22nd Olympic Games - Water Sports (Design: N Litvinov) |
where one might enjoy something more peaceful like rowing shown on this commemorative sheet produced in anticipation of the 22nd Olympic Games in Moscow. The designer Nikolni Litvinov and his fellow artist
Ivan Sushchenko designed a whole series of stamps representing all the Olympic sports.
I wonder how we are going to get to the games? My choice would be by rail
EA and ME Cherepanov and their Locomotive, 1833 |
so lets travel through time with the 1978 'History of Russian Locomotives' series designed by Nicolai Kolesnikov. The Cherepanovs were a father and son who built the first Russian steam locomotive.
Series D Locomotives 1845 and Series V Locomotives (first passenger train 1845) |
I'd love to know what the background images are but one thing is sure, Russia has some spectacular railway stations.
Series Gv Locomotive 1863-67 and Series Bv Locomotive 1863-67 |
After the trip on the rails lets journey to Romania
1985: 50th Anniversary of Retezat National Park (Design - Mihai Vamasescu) |
and head for the hills in an area where the sure footed chamois roam in the
Retezat National Park an area called a "hikers dreamland" with its high peaks and glacial lakes.
1993: Mammals |
Apart from seeing the chamois or to give it its latin name, Rupicapra Rupicapra, maybe there will be a red squirrel scampering up a tree.
1967: Birds of Rwanda |
But for a bird watching delight then Rwanda with over 600 species would be a stunning destination. Here the Belgian artist Jean Van Noten (1903-1982) blesses us with a Red Bishop, a weaver bird.
The Sunday Stamps II prompt this week is R - for Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Running, Rowing, Railway, Retezat, Rupricapra and Red rush over for more
See It on A Postcard.
I think you might win for the most Rs today. Great finds in your collection. I love the train engines on the Russian stamps.
Delightful post, with lots of great stamps.
Great to see how you combined the 'R' of the countries with an 'R' of the subject pictured! Beautiful collection!
What a good run of Rs!!
Me too, I like the stamps and also the way you linked them. But... grenade throwing?!?
You should get an award for this collection of 'Rs' with a variety of themes.
You've shared Stamps, that's really great. And you have provided information about stamps, it is very important. Thank you for sharing
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