This week's Sunday Stamp theme about places and building you would like to visit set me a dilemma because that is usually a thought I have whenever I see somewhere I haven't been on a stamp or postcards, however a decision has to be made. I decided on a place that has fascinated me through travel films and books of its culture and scenery the 'Land of the Eternal Blue Sky' - Mongolia.
1982: Landscapes and Animals |
From the Gobi Desert to the mountains Mongolia has an amazingly diverse landscape, and climate. This stamp shows a beaver and Lake Hovd but the others in the set show seven distinct landscapes.
1969: Landscapes and Flowers |
This set features some of Mongolia's wildflowers, here is variegated pink or carnation (dianthus).
1969: 10th Anniversary of Co-operative Movement |
Of course I would want to see the horses that are eternally linked with Mongolia whether it is the history of the Golden Horde or the more peaceful herding as featured in this stamp of the painting 'Horse-herd' by A. Sengetsohyo which is displayed in the National Gallery in Ulan Bator. Yes I would have to fit in a visit to an art gallery too and
1968: Mongolian Paintings |
perhaps stay in a Mongolian ger or yurt. Ger in the Mongolian language refers to their traditional portable dwelling place but carries an added meaning of home, household or family. The stamp features the painting 'Camel Calf by B. Avarzad. The temperature in Mongolia can range from -35 to +40 Celsius (-31 to +104 Fahrenheit) so as I am a bit of a softy spring or summer would be my preference
On Remote Roads by A. Sagatzohyo |
although winter might have its charms or challenges. Who might be met on this remote road?
1969: Mongolian Costumes | |
Costumes from the far west of Mongolia, a frontier land of snow-capped mountains, lakes, deserts and pastureland.
An entry to Sunday Stamps II theme - place you would love to see - take a trip at
See It On A Postcard
Wow, I am amazed at all your Mongolia stamps. Thanks for sharing them today.
Great collection!
Several years ago, I saw a Mongolian film, featuring a year in the life of a family living alone in the middle of nowhere. Very little dialogue - just the most amazing scenery. A slow story telling in pictures. I was enraptured.
Nice Collection!
It's always nice to visit places with so much things to learn from.
These are fascinating stamps, as the country must be. I'm not sure that I will have the chance of visiting it one day but... who knows?
Great selection of stamps, although Mongolia is a country I have never thought of visiting.
You have shared Stamps Collection, it's really very beautiful. And I really like this stamp. Thank you for sharing
New Zealand Pincode
I can see the hardwork done by the blog owner.Keep Posting such great things again.Looking forward for your next post.
ashoknagar pincode
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