Sunday, 28 May 2017


Cats seem to rule the internet (possibly in their quest for world domination) so it is appropriate that this Alderney set of stamps is called "In Praise of the Cat".
1996: In Praise of the Cat
The artist is the Guernsey born Peter Le Vasseur; I wonder if he has some mischievous cats of his own?
Balls of wool and playful cats seem to go together and also the warning to keep them away from the fish tank
1975: Aquarium Fish
especially if one doesn't want a veil-tailed goldfish to go missing. The stamp engraver is the prolific, and award winning,  Josef Hercík (1922-1999)
1996: Australian Pets (Designer: Dianne Cook)
If you are highly energetic and enjoy long walks then maybe the pet of choice would be a Blue Heeler dog, they are also highly intelligent so like to be entertained.  As a working dog breed they are also called Australian Cattle Dogs and nip at the heels of the cattle they herd, could be useful for rounding up small children.
1974: Young Animals
For an easier and more relaxing life perhaps try a fluffy baby bunny.

An entry to Sunday Stamps II theme - Pets - enjoy more companions on See It On A Postcard


FinnBadger said...

You're right, the cats on the Alderney stamps look like mischief is their main occupation. The fish stamp is beautiful, and that rabbit looks a bit weird to me.

violet s said...

I agree - that bunny is a bit odd looking!
The playful cats are tugging at my heartstrings...
But the blue heeler is a very nice stamp (I am a bit scared of dogs, and a friend has one of these - who will not leave me alone whenever I visit)

Mail Adventures said...

Cute stamps. By the way, I don't think that cats are on their way to rule the world. I think they are already there.

Bob Scotney said...

Our neighbour hood is full of dogs and only the occasional cat which ignores you. They please themselves where they go, the dogs have to do as they are told. No wonder the cats are shown as mischievous.

Heleen said...

I love that fish stamp!

The other stamps are nice, too, and I must confess that I never had heard of Alderney before...