Friday 7 April 2017

Forest of Magic

The forest of Brocéliande, of which the card says on the back is "A land of knights, magic spells, fairies and goblins".  This is one of the many places in the Celtic world with tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.  The legendary Brocéliande is identified as the present day Paimpont Forest which is marked on the card near the wild boar and this is said to be the tomb of the wizard Merlin in the forest.  The map of Brittany also shows other places associated with the legend of Brocéliande and some of the characters of whom tales are told.

Postcards for the Weekend theme - whimsical or magical - more postcard magic at Connections to the World 

1 comment:

Maria said...

This looks like a page right out from a fairytale book! Beautiful :D Thanks for sharing!