Sunday, 27 March 2016


2014: 'Easter Surprise' Designer Paivi Unenge
I hope you all have had Easter surprises like this little girl with her vibrant coloured eggs
Finland always has great Easter stamps and this year's arrived in the post to me this weekend with immaculate timing from Eeva.  An Easter Bunny complete with a basket of eggs and  Finland's other symbol of  Easter, new birch leaves. This stamp features Elli the bunny,  pet of the photographer Anna-Mari West who she has dressed up for the occasion with a yellow bow. This is Elli and Anna-Mari's first stamp
No spring is complete without gambolling lambs and Åland celebrated the the season in April 2013 with a set of three prepaid postcards which they described as "merry sheep enjoying spring" and because I'm lacking spring stamps I'll show the front, well that and the fact that they make me smile
The are painted by Ammi Kogius, her first commission for Åland Post. Trained in ceramics she lived in France for 25 years running a pottery shop but always drew the sheep around her.  When her hands became damaged by her work she took up painting and says she enjoys painting mischievous sheep. Born in Sweden, she grew up in Finland and now lives in Åland's capital.

An entry to Sunday Stamps II theme - Spring or Easter - spring forward for more seasonal stamps here


Mail Adventures said...

Oh, funny and sweet stamps!

Heleen said...

I love those Ammi Kogius paintings!
And the Easter stamps are sweet. Happy Easter!

FinnBadger said...

Fantastic stamps - I agree, Finland issues some of the coolest stamps - and the card is incredible. Happy Easter.

Ana said...

I love the Finnish Easter stamps too...and I love their issue this one of the most adorable Easter stamps ive seen!

VioletSky said...

I really enjoy when countries have fun with their stamps. Canada's are almost too serious.

Bob Scotney said...

Too many countries have po-faced stamps that are nothing to do with the Teletubbies. Good fun from Finland at least.