Sunday, 18 May 2014

Sunny Days

We are having beautiful warm weather and the forecast is good so the shorts and summer tops are out, just like these people in Finland making their way across to the island of Seurasaari.  Located just a few kilometre from Helsinki the island has been described as "a tranquil oasis in the midst of the city".  The traditional Finnish way of life is displayed in cottages, farmsteads and manors of the last four centuries in buildings that have been relocated from all over Finland. 
"Open air museum, Seurassaari, Helsinki"
and are scattered amongst the forest landscape of the island. The stamp is one of two on the theme of 'Tourism' issued in 1991, the 9th time of Norden, when the Nordic countries of Finland, Faroes, Greenland and  Åland issued stamps on a common theme. On midsummer's eve a huge bonfire is built on a small isle off the coast of Seurasaari and a newly wedded couple is rowed to the island in a traditional rowing boat and they will light the bonfire to great celebration.
Here is the largest lake in Finland, the Saimaa, and a lovely old boat making its way along some of its 1,700 square miles.
Steamer on lake Saimaa
The back of the card paints a most inviting picture when it says "Cruising in Saimaa Lake District offers unforgettable experiences in a labyrinth of islands and lakes - a most typical Finnish scenery.  Cruising on Saimaa also reminds us of the time of old romantic steamers, when ships were an important means of transport in this area".

An entry to Viridian Postcard's Sunday Stamps "anything you like" theme here.


Mail Adventures said...

Wonderful stamps, and I enjoyed also your explanations. They made me dream of travelling and summer...

Bob Scotney said...

The more I see of Finnish stamps, the more I regret never having mad it to Finland.
Fine stamps - Finland never let's us down.

Heleen said...

Such a beautiful stamps and cards! A beautiful, peaceful landscape. They really invite us to come to visit!

agi said...

i love it how you transport the good weather mood onto the pages of your blog - finnish stamps are always a delight to see

VioletSky said...

I'm not sure I'd ant to spend a winter in Finland, but these cards and stamps make summer look pretty inviting!

I'm not sure what happened with my post - I've looked at it in both Safari and Chrome and the writing is underneath each card as I wanted it to be. sorry for confusing you - but that was a nice observation ;)

Ana said...

yeah, Finland is like a lovely destination to go to in summer and relax and enjoy the scenery and boat trips....real peace of mind!

thanks for sharing these lovely stamps!

viridian said...

I did spend one week in Finland in June way back when. the air is clear and the days are long - lovely.
Thank you for participating.

Postcardy said...

It is interesting how the stamp is "anchored" to the card.

luvlinens said...

I just love Maxi Cards no matter what the subject.

♥ Willa @ Postage Journal♥ said...

what a beautil maxicards!!

Willa @ Postage Journal

Sheila @ A Postcard a Day said...

Finland, as well as its stamps, looks wonderful!

violet s said...

that is an interesting looking ship on the second stamp with the two decks.

Scriptor Senex said...

I would love to explore the island of Seurasaari - it sounds fascinating.