Monday, 15 November 2010

Albany, New York State

I love a city skyline and this one as the sun sets, the lights on in all the buildings has a great atmosphere. The photo is one of many taken on the same evening by Kodak, the Mayor of Abany and other photographers. Although it cannot be seen on the card the Hudson River is running at the the bottom. The tall building on the left is the Erastus Corning Tower, the largest skyscraper in the state outside of New York city. Take a trip to the 42nd floor and an observation deck gives view over the city. The building and its companions marching away to the right form the Rockerfeller Empire Plaza ,and as can be seen dominate the skyline.

Albany is the state capital,  the land used to be one inhabited by the Algonquian people but with the arrival of the Dutch, French and British it became a trading post, when the English took it over in 1664, after a battle or two, it had grown to a town and they renamed it Albany after the Duke of Albany who was later to become King James II.  By 1686 it was officially declared a city. New York was one of the original 13 colonies seeking independence from England, declaring themselves independent and sovereign in 1775. This is the oldest surviving city of those 13 colonies so the many museums here will have lots to see.

This card was sent to me by one of my fellow team members of the ABC Wednesday meme, (post something beginning with a specific letter, image, poem or prose, we are at R this week).  By making a comment on his  Ramblin with Roger site I was in his prize draw, and unbelievable won, so while on this 'winning streak' what was this deltiologist to do but ask for a postcard. Thank you Roger.  I'm now wondering if Roger has ever done A for Albany, if he ever has it will be full of interesting information and perhaps some unexpected images.


Ingrid said...

Interesting post and beautiful picture !

Anonymous said...

Nice post card. I love sunrise/set photos. The colors of the sun add interesting color into it.