See It On A Postcard's Thursday Postcard Hunt is looking at the seasonal...
"Anjou and Touraine of Yesteryear"
It is September in the gardens of the Chateau du Samur portrayed in 'Les Riches Heures du Duc de Berry" as it looked in 1410 with, I suggest, some artistic license. The card reminded me I have a book of postcards from this gem. Because rather than perforated cards they are bound I have never felt able to crack open the binding so it remain intact, rather a good move in hindsight.
A Book of Hours refers to the hours of prayer during the day and has illustrations of religious topics but the Duc du Berry's also has the labours of the month and here we have June and the harvest. The other months can be seen in the
Daily Art. Duke John of Berry collected illustrated manuscripts and on his death left a collection of over 150 manuscripts of which this one was the jewel in the crown.
Winter, a season for resting as the snow falls, unless you are a sheep farmer. This is the valley of Toutbeck and the settlement of the same name. For the art lover, or possessor of a book of hours, the
church , not too far away, has pre-raphaelite stained glass windows which were installed when it was being restored in the 19th Century.