1995 UN (New York): Youth - Our Future |
For the UN International Youth Year in 1995 the Austrian artist
Gottfried Kumpf produced this FDC. As well as his paintings he is known for his small bronze sculptures of animals and people and the twins he created for his series on the zodiac signs appear embossed on the cover. The little figure he is famous for is of his Kumpf sitting down called 'Asocial' or 'Social Misfit'
but a more accurate translation from what he has said I think is rather the artist as outsider observing but also needing a place to dream. Sometimes he places this figure hidden in the periphery of his paintings but I think he has placed himself this time
in plain view 'Man Looking Out to Sea'. The other stamp is on the move with cycling family. When he was a young boy Kumpf liked to go out with his dog and sit and paint whereas
1982: Joy of Europe |
Heiko Jäkel aged 7 from Berlin stayed closer to home with his painting 'In the Bath Tub" and
Tibor Božo, aged 6 took a walk around his home town of Subotica to watch and paint the traffic. The stamps and cards were issued by PTT (Post - Telegraphic - Telephone) whose museum in Belgrade hosts a children's postal hour the first Saturday every month, well I think it does because the
website doesn't seem to have been updated in a while. I do know that the '
Joy of Europe' festival which the stamps celebrate is still going strong, founded by the city of Belgrade in 1969 and organised by the Children's Cultural Centre it takes place at the beginning of October every year
with dance and music. So I move to paintings by children to a painting of a child
1970:The Art of Otto Nagel et al |
Otto Nagel's 'Portrait of a Young Girl' which is actually his daughter Sibylle who was born in 1943. The painting today is in Dresden's
Galerie Neue Meister which displays painting from the 19th Century to the present.
1991: African Animals |
Lastly who can resist a baby elephant stamp. I could claim that this is a link to where I started this post with Gottfreid Kumpf whose sculpture of a baby African elephant stands outside the Natural History Museum in Vienna but really it is serendipity.
Master of Supply Lines (Rail) |
Sunday Stamps II prompt this week is the Letter Y - for Young and Yugoslavia - be Ys and
See It On A Postcard